Thursday, July 22, 2021

Project Boredom

Right now, I’m about 60% done with a self-designed knit afghan – using Lion Brand Heartland yarn in Grand Canyon.  This is the same project that I mentioned in previous posts.  I am at that point where I’m bored, and I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels and not making any progress.  Even starting a new skein last night didn’t make me feel like I was making progress.  It happens to me on every project – I’m bored with the current work and I want to start something with that pretty, new yarn I just bought.   What are my options? 

1.        Stop buying new yarn.  Not gonna' happen.  Yarn just keeps appearing at my house.  I don’t know who keeps ordering it online and visiting yarn shops.  (insert eyeroll here)

2.       Start another project.  I try to avoid this option unless I have a good reason.  Giving in to this temptation is how WIPs are born.  I want to keep my WIPs to no more than three at any one time.  Besides, I will get bored with the new project, too.  If I’m not careful, my house will be full of WIPs and nothing will ever get finished.

3.       Be strong and persevere.  This is the option I use most.  I tell myself to do just one or two rows and I will finish eventually.  I’m not in a race to finish.  The enjoyment is in the creation process.  Blah, blah, blah. 

4.       I can’t justify buying more yarn/patterns/kits until I use up some of what I have on hand.  I must confess that this is my biggest motivator for using option 3.


I have developed a new bad habit during the pandemic.  I will finish stitching a project and then it goes into my final-finish pending pile – the projects that need the ends sewn in or blocking.  I’m up to 4 projects and about to add another item to the pile.  I need to get this one under control soon.